the Animals of the Earth 3

Scientists brought back to life germs, which 100 million years

Scientists brought back to life germs, which 100 million years

we greatly underestimate the ability of the bacteria to survive. What can be found under the soil at a depth of about 6,000 meters below sea level? It would seem that nothing living. So did researchers from the Oceanographic Insti...


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As a Russian genetics first in the world managed to bring a pet Fox?

As a Russian genetics first in the world managed to bring a pet Fox?

the Appearance of the Fox home became a new stage in the evolution of wild animals After 50 years of experimentation, Russian genetics was able to do what the ancients could not achieve for thousands of years. On a farm near Novos...


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What music do animals like?

What music do animals like?

still from the film "Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone" man invented music thousands of years ago. Scientists believe that the idea of singing different tunes came to mind first settlers of Africa. Since music accompanies u...


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